We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Benjamin Danielson, pediatrician and Senior Medical Director and Chair of the Odessa Brown Clinic in Seattle, is our keynote speaker for the Attain Housing “Home is Where the Heart is” Luncheon on September 26, 2019 at Bellevue Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Danielson is also a clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington. He did his residency at Seattle Children’s Hospital and continues to see patients there.
Drawing on his extensive training, research, and deep wells of personal experience, Dr. Danielson seeks to improve the health and circumstances of low-income children and families throughout Washington. As a provider of transitional housing for families for 30 years on the Eastside, we at Attain Housing are excited for Dr. Danielson to provide his expertise and perspectives on the positive impacts that stable housing has on children.
Join us on September 26, 2019 for our annual fundraising Fall Luncheon at Bellevue Presbyterian Church. Registration details coming soon. Please contact Eric@attainhousing.org if you’d like to volunteer as a Table Captain for the Luncheon.