Sometimes a warm meal can make all the difference!
Attain Housing’s Community Supper program is still going strong, every Tuesday night at 6 PM at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church in Kirkland. We saw an increase in attendance in 2018, especially through the fall and winter months, averaging around 50-60 attendees at times.
All walks of life are welcome at Community Supper. Many of our regular attendees live nearby and the supper is a pleasant part of their weekly routine. Having a “cook’s night off” is truly appreciated by the families with small children who join us most Tuesdays. Many folks who come to the supper are fortunately not homeless, but living in subsidized housing, collecting disability benefits, retired, or they just enjoy the company and a warm meal served by a different group of volunteers every week.
We love to engage local businesses, church groups, and other community groups as volunteers to prepare and serve meals. This proves to be a wonderfully authentic and meaningful way for our supporters to make a difference in their local community.
We still have a handful of open suppers left for 2019. Please contact Eric@attainhousing.org if you are interested in organizing a group to serve a meal or would like to join as an individual.
Winter 2019 Newsletter Contents
- In the News – Eviction Prevention
- Message from the Executive Director
- 7 Hills of Kirkland
- Fall Luncheon 2019
- Fleeing Conflict, Finding Stability
- Meet our Staff!
- Volunteer Corner
- Community Supper
- 30 Years of Attain Housing