Due to COVID-19, our usual big Memorial Day bike ride fundraiser became a month-long fundraiser and self-directed ride where participants could track their miles and become eligible for weekly prizes for taking on mileage challenges.
We want to give a huge thank you to our 2020 riders and fundraisers. The re-invented event raised over $25,000 for Attain Housing and the vulnerable homeless families we serve. 132 riders rode a total of 8,077 miles, climbed 1,105,591 feet of elevation, and spent a total of 678 hours riding (or 28 days of nonstop pedaling)!
We asked riders to tag us on social media during May and tell what inspires them to ride 7 Hills of Kirkland year after year. Here are a few responses from some dedicated riders!
“I’ve ridden 7Hills for about 10 years and it’s become a staple of my Memorial Day. 7 Hills is always a well-run, scenic, and fun way to kick off the summer riding season. I love supporting a good cause like Attain Housing and I was eager to help raise funds this year. I can’t wait to get back out there next year and see the bagpipe guy at the top of Winery Hill.” – Ed Muir
“I am riding because homelessness is a problem which needs money and attention. I enjoy cycling and after several years away from organized rides I have decided to come back to do a ride I loved from the past the 7 hills. It will be different as I will be alone, but I can do it.” – Michael Golebiewski
“I love the outdoor opportunities our area offers. It is great to see the valuable work Attain Housing is doing for the community. If I can add my small contribution through fund-raising, I feel fortunate. And hope that a few fellow souls will benefit during these uncertain times. Thanks for giving me the opportunity.” – Harpreet Sawhney
“I ride for the challenge and fitness, but most of all to support programs which provide for homeless and at-risk families in King County. I have been participating in the 7 Hills ride for the last ten years. I am keeping track of my own mileage for the month of May. So far it’s 117 miles and 7,898’ elevation! – Judy Jesiolowski